Author Guidelines

The journal brings previously unpublished works from the filed of history, archaeology, and other related academic disciplines, if they relate to the past in at least some segment. The goal of the Journal is to encourage a multidisciplinary approach to the research of the past and the cooperation of history and archaeology with other related sciences. All works in digital form should be sent to the email address: or as a hard copy to the address: Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Tuzli, Tihomila Markovića 1, 75 000 Tuzla (office 039A). Received manuscripts would be sent to at least two doubleblind peer reviews, whereby the paper receives a certain category, if it meets the criteria for publication, according to the peer reviewers. After evaluating the paper, if the review is positive, the author is obliged to make changes to the text according to the attached reviews and the instructions of the editors, which, with the prior opinion of the Editorial Board, makes the final decision on the acceptance and categorization of the paper, and reserves the right to process it in terms of journalistic norms. After publication, each author receives one hard copy of the Journal. Language of papers may be: Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin, English, German. The journal publishes the following categories of papers: » original scientific papers » review papers » professional papers » previous announcement » presentations from scientific conferences and lectures » reports from scientific conferences » reports from archaeological excavations » historical material » book and periodical reviews » papers in the field of teaching and pedagogy » notes on the activities of the founders of the Journal.

A submitted paper must contain Name and surname, academic title, affiliation, email adress of the author.
The paper must be sent in a Microsoft Word format.
Font: Times New Roman or similar standard font
Alignment: Justify
Line spacing: 1,5
Quotes: Normal; longer quotes to be written in a separate paragraph (font size 10)
Title font size: 16
Chapter heading font size: 14
Main text font size: 12
Abstract and keywords
Font size: 11
Maximum of 120 words in abstract; maximum of 10 keywords
Language: same as the language of main text with translation to English or German or Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian.
Font size: 11 Maximum of 500 words
Language: same as the language of main text with translation to English or German or Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian


Font size: 10
Line spacing: 1,0
Alignment: Justify

Book citation
Format: Surname, year of publishing, page number (number only, without “p.”)
Pašalić, 1960, 88.
When the same book is cited in the following footnote, put: Ibid, 101. or Ibidem, 101.

Journal and proceedings citation
Format: Surname of the author, publishing year, page number (number only, without “p.”)
Hauptmann, 1961, 89.
When the same book is cited in the following footnote, put: Ibid, 106. or Ibidem, 106.

Periodicals article citation
a) if the author is known
Format: Surname of the author, publishing year, page number (number only, without “p.”)
Bašagić, 1908,
2. b) if the author is unknown
Format: Article title, Magazine title volume/issue, publication year, page number (number only, without “p.”)
Pozdravi zajedničkom radu, Srpska riječ IV/192, 1908, 2.
When the same book is cited in the following footnote, put: Ibid. or Ibidem.
When the same article is cited on the other place in the paper, put short version:
Pozdravi zajedničkom radu, Srpska riječ, 1908, 2.

Archive sources citation
Format: Archive name (hereinafter: archive name abbreviation), fund: fund name, number of fascicle/folder/document or title of document (depending on the structure of archive materials)
Arhiv Tuzlanskog kantona (hereinafter: ATK), fond: Narodno vijeće Tuzla (here inafter: NVT), 55/1. Poziv u Narodnu Vojsku!

Citation of published/primary sources for older history
Format: Author name, Numbers of book/chapter, page number (number only, without “p.”)
Ptolemy, 2.14, 2.
When the same book is cited in the following footnote, put: Ibid, 11. or Ibidem, 11.

Citation of internet references
Format: Surname, article title
Metjahić, Ko je Husaga Ćišić


General rules:
1. Font size: 12
2. Bibliographical units to be listed in alphabetical order
3. Sources to be separated and written before other references
4. If there are more than one unit from one author, sort his/her bibliographical units by publication year
5. If a publication has two or more authors, publishers or places of publishing, separate them by Em dash (–)
6. If a publication has two or more editors or translators, list their names and surnames and separate by a comma, all in parentheses 
7. Bibliographical units originally written in other scripts to be transliterated to Latin script.

Format: Surname, Name. Title, Publisher, Publishing place publishing year.
Pašalić, Esad. Antička naselja i komunikacije u Bosni i Hercegovini, Zemaljski muzej, Sarajevo 1960.

When it comes to the institutions with more publishing departments, cite in the following way:
Format: Surname, Name. Title, Publisher, Series name and number, Subseries name and number, Publishing place publishing year.
Bojanovski, Ivo. Dolabelin sistem cesta u rimskoj provinciji Dalmaciji, Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine, Djela XLVII, Centar za balkanološka ispitivanja 2, Sarajevo 1974.

Journal articles
Format: Surname, Name. “Article title”, Journal title volume/issue, Publisher, Publishing place publishing year, page range.
Aličić, Ahmed. “Desetina u Bosni polovinom 19. vijeka”, Prilozi XVI/17, Institut za istoriju, Sarajevo 1980, 129–174.

Proceedings articles/chapters
Format: Surname, Name. “Article/Chapter title”, Proceedings title, Proceedings (ed(s). names and surnames of the editors), Publisher, Publishing place publishing year, page range.
Cholewicki, Paweł. “Late Medieval Bosnia and Poland: Dimensions of the Interaction”, Bosna i njeni susjedi u srednjem vijeku: pristupi i perspektive, Zbornik radova (ur. Elmedina Duranović, Enes Dedić, Nedim Rabić), Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Institut za historiju, Sarajevo 2019.

Unpublished/archive sources
Format: Archive name, Place, fund title (in the next row)
Arhiv Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo
Zajedničko ministarstvo finansija

Primary sources for older history / Published sources
Format: Author, Publication title (ed(s). N. Surname of the editor(s)), Publisher, Publishing place publishing year.
Ptolemy, Ptololemy’s Geography An Annotated Translation of the the Theoretical Chapters, (eds. J. L. Berggren, A. Jones), Princeton University Press, Princeton – Oxford 2000.
Stenografske beleške Narodne skupštine Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca: vanredni saziv od 2. jula do 20. oktobra 1921. godine (od I - IX redovnog sastanka), Beograd 1921.

a) if the author is known
Format: Surname, Name. “Article title”, Magazine title Volume/ issue, Date, Publishing place Topčić, Hašim. “Reorganizacija medresa i mekteba”, Musavat VI/4, 25. januar 1911, Sarajevo.
b) if the author is unknown
Format: “Article title”, Magazine title Volume/issue, Date, Publishing place
“Državna kriza”, Pravda III/8, 22. januar 1921, Sarajevo.

a) if the author is known
Format: Surname, Name. Article title, link (accession date)
Kamberović, Husnija. O referendumu u BiH 1992. godine, https:// (04. 3. 2024).
b) if the author is unknown
Format: Article title, link (accession date)
BiH obaviještena o promjeni imena Makedonije u Republika Sjeverna Makedonija, imenamakedonijeurepublikasjevernamakedonija/190221080 (12. 6. 2019).