Emigration from Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United States of America in the period of Monarchist Yugoslavia. Data from the Emigration Commissariat files


  • Darko Vitek University of Zagreb, Faculty of Croatian studies


The paper engage with the analy sis of data from the records of the Immigrants’ Commissariat. The Record is located in the Croatian State Archives in Zagreb, in the Immigrants’ Commissariat fund. The data on emigrants from Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Uni ted States preserved in the f ile are linked to official reports and ge neral trends of emigration from the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Based on the analyzed data, such as gender, age, literacy, religious and national affiliation, is comple ted the picture of emigration from Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United States during the period of monarchist Yugoslavia.


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How to Cite

Vitek, D. (2024). Emigration from Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United States of America in the period of Monarchist Yugoslavia. Data from the Emigration Commissariat files. Historical Thought, 10(10), 215–240. Retrieved from https://hm.ff.untz.ba/index.php/hm/article/view/94



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