Osmanski karavanski putevi na planini Konjuh (Kladanj)


  • Mersiha Imamović Univerzitet u Tuzli, Filozofski fakultet
  • Amir Krpić Univerzitet u Tuzli, Filozofski fakultet


This paper is about the Ottoman trade roads discovered at the Konjuh Mountain (Municipality of Kladanj). Archaeological researches were conducted at three separate places: Miljkovac, Paljevac and Buševo. Based on these researches we have concluded that these roads have been used for transport of people and goods in the Ottoman age. Taking the geographical location of Kladanj into consideration, we have also concluded that the town was an important crossroad of the roads.







Imamović, M., & Krpić, A. (2025). Osmanski karavanski putevi na planini Konjuh (Kladanj). Historijska Misao, 6(6), 65–96. Retrieved from https://hm.ff.untz.ba/index.php/hm/article/view/54

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